Photographer: © Matteo Piazza

VyTA Farnese

Overlooking Piazza Farnese, a stone’s throw from Campo de’ Fiori, VyTA Farnese combines the features of the traditional Italian bar and contemporary design. The project fits into the historical context with refined materials such as polychrome marble, lacquered surfaces, mirrors and velvets, calibrated geometries and symmetries combined with bold shapes and a lively colour palette, from emerald green to Millennial pink with shiny copper accents. VyTA Farnese is an unexpected place, which, with its refined materials and decorations stimulates the interaction between people. In this challenging historical moment, where social distance is the springboard from which to regenerate our lives, this project, through the design of the takeaway bar overlooking the street, and set in one of the world’s most beautiful squares, presents a clever solution to hospitality which, as an inescapable expression of sociality, opens up the urban space of our cities.

Retail Food s.r.l.
110 sq +20 sq